Climate change: a risk for mankind

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Climate change is one of the most pressing problems of our time. The ecological crisis we are experiencing will have impacts on the environment, economy and society. The aim of this survey is therefore to examine climate change effects and to understand how the green economy, ecological transition and renewable energies can offer sustainable solutions.

Table of contents

What will be climate change effects?

Here are the main effects of climate change:

1. Rising global temperature

Rising global temperatures have been an obvious impact of climate change for some time. According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate  Change), the average global temperature has risen by about 1.2°C compared to pre-industrial levels. Rising temperatures will have the following consequences:

Melting glaciers

Melting glaciers will increasingly raise sea levels, endangering coastal communities.

Adverse weather events

Stronger storms, longer heat waves and irregular rainfall will become more frequent, causing damage to infrastructure and agriculture.

2. Loss of biodiversity

Climate change will alter natural habitats, threatening many animal and plant species. Loss of biodiversity will also reduce natural assets and affect ecosystem services, such as crop pollination and water purification.

3. Increase in diseases

Climate change will lead to an increase in vector-borne diseases such as mosquitoes (e.g. malaria, dengue fever) and an increased risk of heat stroke. In addition, air quality will deteriorate due to the increase in pollutant particles, aggravating respiratory and cardiovascular problems.

Green economy: a sustainable response to implement today

Green economy could prove to be a sustainable economic model in the long run; it aims to reduce the environmental impact of human activities and promotes the efficient use of resources, as well as the adoption of clean technologies to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Fundamental Principles of the Green Economy

Energy efficiency

There can be no green economy without energy efficiency, as energy efficiency significantly improves the consumption of resources by buildings, transport and industry.

Renewable energy

Renewable energy encourages the adoption of “clean” energy sources such as solar, wind and hydropower.

Circular economy

Circular economy adopts practices that encourage reuse, recycling and waste reduction.
climate change effects

Economic and environmental benefits of the green economy

Transition to a green economy will help us combat climate change and provide undisputed economic benefits, such as:

Creation of new jobs

Development of the green economy will create more job opportunities.

Savings in energy costs

Use of renewable energy will reduce energy costs in the long term.

Increased competitiveness in the market

Companies that adopt sustainable practices will gain a competitive advantage in an environmentally sensitive market.

Ecological transition: the new paradigm to follow

Ecological transition, i.e. a sustainable development model integrating environmental, economic and social considerations, will require the involvement of governments, businesses and free citizens to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the environmental impact of human activities.

Strategies to implement ecological transition in practice

Technological innovation and sustainability: a winning and necessary combination

Investing in research and development (R&D) is key to creating solutions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy efficiency in the near future. Some examples of technological innovation are:

Smart grid

Smart grids are intelligent electricity grids capable of optimising energy distribution through the use of renewables.

Electric vehicles

Electric vehicles reduce CO2 emissions to zero compared to fossil fuel vehicles.

Precision agriculture

Advanced agricultural techniques optimise the use of resources and reduce environmental impact.

Concrete examples of renewable energy

Adoption of renewable energy is not easy and people’s mindsets need to be changed; yet, it is an essential component of the fight against climate change. Here are some examples of renewable energy:

Solar energy

Solar energy uses sunlight to generate electricity or heat. There are two technologies in particular:


Photovoltaics uses solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity.

Solar thermal

Solar thermal uses the sun’s heat to produce thermal energy for heating or hot water.

Wind power

Wind power generates electricity through wind and turbines; it is very effective in coastal, mountain or foothill areas.


Hydropower generates electricity from the motion of water. There are different types of plants:


Biomass uses organic materials, such as agricultural waste, wood and waste, to produce energy. It is very useful for producing heat and electricity in rural areas.

Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy generates electricity from the natural heat of the earth. Geothermal plants can also be installed near volcanoes.

Choose IPPO Engineering for green projects

Climate change effects require immediate and global action. If you are looking for partners for green projects, contact IPPO Engineering. For years, we have been working on environmental sustainability, green economy and ecological transition.

Contact us by filling out the contact form or call +390954683879. Our team is open to any collaboration.

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